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Sunday, February 27, 2011


When exactly did we start using this term? Sometimes I shake my head at the things I say "Good job" to with our toddler. Can you really do a good job drinking milk? Yes. Yes, you can.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Upcoming appearances

I have a few appearances lined up in the near future that I figured I should post. Come say "hi":

2/21 - Boston College - speaking with the Freshmen Academy

3/30 - University of South Florida at St. Petersburg - keynote

4/16 - The 5th Annual New York City Asian American Student Conference (NYCAASC) workshop

4/28 - University of Las Vegas (pending)

4/30-5/1 - Boston Comic Con

8/27 - Comic-Conn (Connecticut)

Broken People are Right Twice a Day

No one is a total idiot and it always gives me an odd sense of hope when I hear these people say something vaguely logical. It confirms that we indeed exist on the same planet but simply have completely different takes on life. Of course I welcome your thoughts on people who you think ARE total idiots. Perhaps I lead a sheltered life ...

Monday, February 14, 2011


AKA: Valentine's Day. Just a quick demonstration for all the media companies, casting directors, producers and writers to remind them that Asian guys have penises too.

Monday, February 7, 2011


Just had to get that off my chest. Fuck you for exploiting the people of Tibet, fuck you for destroying local businesses and fuck you Timothy Hutton for taking that job.