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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

New SAM shirt by Blacklava!

The lovely people at Blacklava and I have teamed up again to produce a brand new SAM shirt! Blacklava just launched their brand new site this week and have begun offering "Daily Deals". Basically a new product every day is offered for a special limited time price and today is SAM's day. Click on the pic to take a closer look. Head over and grab one before the deal is done!


  1. I have to say that I really don't like the shirt. There is too much going on for it to be on the front of the shirt.

    It would've been better to have only SAM's face on the front. Have it be one large face. I think that would've attracted more attention. Maybe all those small faces could've gone on the back instead of the front. I didn't recognize most of the names on it however.

  2. Isn't is supposed to be "Hikaru"? I'm assuming it's supposed to be Sulu from Star Trek...

  3. cadiazgl - I already had some shirts with SAM's face as the main central image so I wanted to do something different. Definitely not as impactful, more of a get-in-for-a-better-look kind of shirt. Also wanted to make people work a little to recognize names. That way it's more of a teachable moment for those who don't know and a pat on the back for people who do!

    Cally - you're absolutely right. I must have spelled it wrong when I created this preview image. The shirt will have the correct spelling. Good eye!

  4. Just a Star Trek junkie... hehe. Love your strip, keep it coming :D

  5. Who's BJ? I know everyone but BJ
